Supplication to Gem Source Tara
Supplication to Gem Source Tara
Supplication to Gem Source Tara's heart mantra ----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below, I had composed Supplications to Gem Source Tara and Demon Destroy Tara. I had also written them and their heart mantras in calligraphy. I had also translated the Supplications into English. All related files are attached. The two jpg files showing the images of these Taras were originally sent by Zhi Xuan to me. My earlier reply to him, giving references to Guru Chen's teaching on the 21 Taras, is also included below. This email is Bcc to all on my list.
Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yutang Lin Zhi Xuan, For your references, Guru Chen's teaching on the 21 Taras can be found at And the two you requested are listed there as number 20 and 17.
Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: zhixuan zhang 南無金剛蓮華佛! 最敬愛的本尊佛: 弟子素來喜愛度母法門,覺得與之彷彿有感情,因此前段時間叩請上師賜下了本傳承《救度母贊及心咒》和《白度母祈請頌及心咒》的墨寶聖跡,以便依止修持。 因為弟子現在覺得唯有修持本傳承的法門法要,才覺得得力,所以現在弟子很想進一步得到師佛有關於度母本尊修持細節的一些指導,所以如果可能的話,弟子希望虔誠叩請師佛慈悲,賜下本傳承的《寶源度母祈請頌及心咒》與《伏魔度母祈請頌及心咒》墨寶,附件呈上的是這兩尊度母的圖片資料。 衷心感謝師佛的慈悲與恩德! 衷心祝禱師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!!
Supplication to Gem Source Tara Yutang Lin Golden Tara holding a treasure vase to relieve beings from poverty,
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