本淨無我為尊聖,無可增損無敵對; 跋 佛法之聖在於本來清淨無私。本淨遍於一切,而無可增損。無我故永無敵對。包容無限故和平永續。眾生對此種尊聖無所畏懼而得以隨緣親近。 二○○七年五月廿一日
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Yutang Incorruptible Sacredness Yutang Lin Original purity without self is deemed sacred. Comment: In Dharma sacredness lies in original purity that is selfless. Original purity perpetuates everywhere, and it can neither be enhanced nor corrupted. Being selfless, there are never opponents. Encompassing boundlessly, hence peace and evenness perpetuate without interruption. To such sacredness sentient beings are fearless and may approach at will according to causal conditions. Written in Chinese and translated on May 21, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Incorruptible Sacredness] |