著相互動陷糾纏,愈攪愈深難轉圜; 跋 世人著相互動,糾纏愈陷愈深。看似生龍活虎,實則限制日增。若能即景無心,迷惘世情自遷。覺後開示去執,慈悲盼眾復甦。 二○○六年二月十四日
----- Original Message ----- From: "Yutang Lin" To: "Dharma Friends" Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 1:46 AM Subject: Teaching to be Alive_教活 Upon request by a disciple a poem is in calligraphy now. Another poem with the same title is already in calligraphy; it is
at: May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang Teaching to Enliven Yutang Lin Interactions based on grasping to appearances are entrapped in entanglements. Comment: Worldly people's interactions are based on grasping to appearances; thus entanglements are ever deeper with more involvements. Such activities seem very much alive on the surface; indeed, limitations to their options are ever growing. If one could be free from intentions at the sight of situations, the illusive and deluding worldly affairs will flow on by themselves. Offering advices and examples of letting grasping go upon awakening, the compassionate expectation is the resurrection from illusion of all beings. Written in Chinese and translated on February 14, 2006 [Home][Back to list][Teaching to Enliven][Related works: 教活 _Teaching to Enliven] |