安渡 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 莫待無常已面臨,方悟牽纏皆虛妄; 跋 世間紛紛擾擾,各趨所好,為執而苦。無常一到,一切煙消雲散。早日醒悟,莫隨外境而馳逐。法界之大,無垠無盡,何獨鍾於此或彼?安於本來純真,過清閒心地之人生。
Passing Peacefully Yutang Lin Don't wait till impermanence is in front of your face Comment: In the world there are much fuss and fury. People run after their preferences and suffer because of their attachments. Upon the arrival of impermanence all matters just fade away as smokes and clouds disperse. Awake sooner; don't chase after changes in environment. Dharmadhatu is so expansive, without limits and ending; why should one grasp to this or that alone? Be content with original purity and pass your life in worry-free state of mind.
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