任緣迴轉心平寧,恰似光影舞虛空; 跋 人事變遷,視為因緣聚散。不計彼此,一心唯在眾生。光影舞弄,虛空清平依舊。深潛佛事,處世無染還純。
Lights and Shadows Lights and Shadows Yutang Lin Despite the turning of circumstances mind remains peaceful, Comment: Changes in human affairs, looked upon as gathering and dispersing of causal conditions. Being free from distinction of one and others, single-mindedly think only of all sentient beings. Whatever the dancing patters of lights and shadows, the boundless sky remains clear and even. Deeply immersed in Dharma activities, living in the world without being polluted and yet even returned to purity.
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