不介意處 林鈺堂 經驗本質咸如幻,執著心態添渲染; 跋 經歷如幻,並無特異。各有偏執,渲染成波。回歸平淡,本來無事。不介意處,宜加靜觀。離於欣厭,體會清明。
Spots Uncared-for Yutang Lin The nature of all our experiences is illusive; Comment: All our experiences are transient and illusory; nothing would stand out in this light. Individuals have diverse grasping and propensities; with emphases and touches added, things are played up. As mind quieted down originally there is nothing to fuss about. Areas where one used to be uncared-for remained neutral as things originally were; observe such tranquility and absence of mental agitation. Stay afar from preference and abhorrence to experience and appreciate clarity and tranquility.
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