聖像天成 林鈺堂 林火燒成觀音姿,三面抱子栩如生; 跋 普賢王如來壇城所在之山區在一九七八年曾遭森林大火。一九八六年陳上師曾在此地一處山坡上,向海跪誦〈海龍王經攝頌〉,祈請龍王護持道場。因此我們每次上山皆在此處上香,以紀念之,並稱此處為龍王崗。 公元二千年聖誕節,第五百次火供後,我在此鞠躬上香後,抬頭之際忽然瞥見左下方林木之間,隱約有觀音立姿之焦木。後來多次近前細看,漸漸認出是天然形成之送子觀音,唯妙唯肖。此像位於圍如涼亭之數樹之中心,其下端是側伸而出,因此聖像似乎懸空而立。外圍樹側有兩隻焦木所形成之貓頭鷹,及一大龜。聖像之右下側,則有一大熊倚附。聖像之正面有冠、臉龐、雙目、鼻及嘴,極易辨認。左臂抱子,頂端有小兒面。聖像正面之左右兩側又各有一側面像,正如十一面觀音之一層三面。 我們現在也經常在此像前獻供六柱香為六道眾生祈佑。並稱此處為觀音坡。近來托電子相機之助,各地佛友往往在上網看法務相片時有緣朝覲。因此特加記述,以助瞭解如此殊勝化現渡眾之緣起。
Naturally Formed Holy Statue Naturally Formed Holy Statue Yutang Lin A Guan Yin statue born of past forest fire, Comment: The mountain area where Adi Buddha Mandala is situated went through a huge forest fire in 1978. In 1986 Yogi Chen, while facing the ocean and kneeling on a slope on this land, recited Dragon King Sutra Stanzas to supplicate to the Dragon King for his blessing to this Dharma ground. Therefore, since then every time we went up to the land we would offer incense at this spot to commemorate the event. And the spot is called Dragon King Hill. On Christmas Day of year 2000, after the 500th fire puja we went there to offer incense. As I was raising my upper body after bowing down toward the ocean suddenly I noticed in the lower left corner at a distance, among the trees and branches, there was a burnt wood in the shape of a standing Guan Yin. Gradually we went down there several times to take closer looks, and slowly we recognized various features that naturally constitute a close resemblance to the famous image of Song Zi Guan Yin, the Guan Yin that brings baby. This statue is at the center of a few surrounding trees that enclose to shape like a pavilion. Its bottom shoots out horizontally from a trunk, and hence the statue seems to stand in midair. Outside the surrounding trees there are two burnt-wood owls and a large turtle. By the right foot of the statue there is a large bear. From the front of the statue one could easily recognize topknot, outline of face, two eyes, nose and mouth. Its left arm holding a baby, near the tip there is a small face. To the left and right of the front face there is a side view of a face on each side; this is just like on the statue of the 11-face Guan Yin, there are three faces on each of the three lower levels. Now we also offer incense in front of this naturally formed holy statue. Each time we offer six sticks of incense to signify our praying for all sentient beings in the six realms. And we call the slope leading to the statue, Guan Yin slope. Recently, with the help of digital cameras, Buddhists around the world may have a chance to view this statue when they see photos of our Dharma activities on-line. Therefore, I wrote all these down to help people understand the causal connections that led to this extraordinary display of miraculous transformation and conversion.
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