敬老 林鈺堂 王女居士見年輕人多不尊重老年人,請余略示敬老之理。 人老生理退化乃自然現象,有幸活到老,則個個難免。然而經驗累積既久,自然較為圓融周到,遇事較知瞻前顧後,權變應對。年輕者雖較靈活敏捷,但易衝動而欠周詳顧慮,若能敬重年紀大、經驗多者,便易感得盡心之教導,而得益匪淺。 Respect Elders Yutang Lin Deterioration with aging is only natural, Comment: Upasika Wang, seeing many instances of youth being disrespectful of elders, asked me to write about respecting elders. It is only natural that as we grow older our physical and mental functions gradually deteriorate. For all those who are lucky enough to live to old age none could escape this fate. Nevertheless, as a result of long-term accumulated experiences it is only natural that older people would be more polished and all-round; they tend to think of causes and consequences and are more ready to make appropriate adjustments. Youth are alert and swift in action but may rush into things without making proper precautions; if they could be respectful to elders who are more experienced, then it is more likely that they would benefit from careful guidance.
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