徹悟一體 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 徹悟一體離對立,因緣牽繫無從避; 跋 一切因緣相牽繫,無從遺世而獨立。彼患不解終禍眾,視同己憂屢慰喻。途徑正邪慎抉擇,造業善惡果相應。心離敵對常安和,行出慈憫恆普益。
Thorough Realization of Oneness Yutang Lin Thorough realization of oneness banishes antagonism; Comment: All are pulled and tied together by causal connections; there is no way to set the world aside and stay alone. The others' problems unsolved would eventually bring disasters to all; considering those worries as one's own to offer solace and guidance now and then. Right or devious approaches should be carefully distinguished and selected; good or evil deeds will yield corresponding fruits. Mind freed from antagonism remains peaceful and harmonious; actions out of compassion and mercy constantly yield universal benefits.
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