祈禱見效 林鈺堂


有佛友因自行祈禱難見效果,請修行者代禱每見速效,而怨稱菩薩不公平。其實佛、菩薩是完全平等地不斷的在加持一切眾生。祈禱效果因人而異,則是由於修行者放捨世間牽纏,全心全力為一切眾生之證悟而努力,因此其心念與「一切是無限的一體」的真理吻合,便自然融通,易生感應。當修行者為某一眾生祈禱時,其心中並無私人特殊因素的考慮,因此其心量無異於為一切眾生祈禱,而有莫大的力用。一般人尚在私人宿業恩怨交加的重重纏繭中,所求又往往不離個人利害的考量,因此名為祈禱,實則私心企求。菩薩慈悲在於助人覺悟,而不是使人重陷私心業網,因此無從賜予感應。學佛者明乎此理,莫再怨尤,當努力於生活中修習大公無私的心態,以期漸漸與佛相應 。

                     養和齋    於加州

Effective Prayer Yutang Lin

Effects of prayers vary from person to person;
Hence some said that Bodhisattvas are unfair.
Inspirations are rooted only in universal mind;
Endeavoring to be selfless will gain responses.


Some Buddhist realized that his prayers are much less effective than those prayed through practitioners, and so he complained that Bodhisattvas are unfair. In fact, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are constantly transmitting blessings equally to all sentient beings. The reason that practitioners?prayers are usually more effective is as follows: Buddhist practitioners have renounced worldly entanglements and devoted themselves whole-heartedly to the endeavor of helping all sentient beings to realize enlightenment. Consequently, their intentions are more in accord with the truth that "all are in limitless oneness." Thus their prayers become naturally in harmony with all and would readily inspire supernatural responses. While a practitioner is praying on behalf of some particular sentient being there is no personal considerations involved, and therefore his state of mind remains essentially no different from when praying for all sentient beings and is enormously far-reaching and powerful. Ordinary people are still within the cocoon of multi-layer threads of personal karmic debts and favors, and their wishes are mostly shaped by worldly considerations of personal gains and losses, therefore, what they offer as prayers are indeed just expressions of personal goals. Compassionate Bodhisattvas aim at helping beings to attain enlightenment but not to fall back again into the karmic trap of self-centeredness, therefore, they could not grant blessings to such prayers. Once this point is understood a Buddhist should not complain again; instead he should endeavor to practice in the light of universal compassion in daily life so that gradually he will achieve inspirational correspondence with Buddhas.

Written in Chinese on October 27, 2001
Translated on November 2, 2001
El Cerrito, California

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