無擾 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 愛人以德出勸諫,忠言逆耳難蒙聽; 跋 勸諫意在責善求全,但各人見解、行徑迥異,致使此舉往往徒費言詞。於此分際,宜緘默守拙,免去互擾。言詞之對立消失後,心地較清明,反而有助當事者看清真相。
No Disturbing Yutang Lin Caring for others in virtuous ways, advice is offered. Comment: Advice is offered in order to help achieve improvement. However, due to the vast differences in people's views and ways, such offers often turn out to be ineffectual employment of speeches. At such junctures it would be wise to remain silent and accept one's inability to convince others. Thus mutual disturbance could be avoided. Once the antagonism built up by words has diminished, it would become easier for people involved to see the facts clearly by themselves.
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