苦聚 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 世途崎嶇易閃失,每賴正直免災殃; 跋 經歷歲月,得識世間苦聚之綿密、深重。一步閃失也可釀成災禍;正直存心往往化事端於無形。貪愛交織而成之業網籠罩世間,黏著有情,極難掙脫。如此普遍、深廣之眾苦,只有仰賴觀音、度母之加被拔苦,實非任何世間方法所能解決。憫眾愈深,持念聖號則愈悲切。
Clusters of Suffering Yutang Lin Worldly paths are full of pitfalls causing easy fall; Comment: Through months and years one gets to appreciate the thickness and gravity of clusters of suffering in the world. One slip could start a sequence of disasters. Maintaining a straight mind would readily nip ill matters in the bud. Nets of karmas that are woven by greed and attachments enwrap the world and glue sentient beings so that there is hardly any escape. Such universal, wide-spread and deeply-rooted suffering of beings could only be lightened and eradicated by the compassionate blessing of Guan Yin and Green Tara. No worldly approach would seem capable of such undertaking. As compassion for suffering sentient beings deepens the chanting of these holy names would turn even eagerer and more moving.
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