財迷 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 天王慷慨樂布施,凡人厭貧求發財; 跋 毗沙門天王,慷慨樂施;陳上師傳下之增益火供儀軌,即以之為主尊。顧名思義,一般皆以為財神火供即為求財。細讀儀軌,方知所求乃為增益法務之正財,以及長養智悲力之出世間財。護法之加被乃是為了增長眾生之菩提因緣。若只圖私心自利,便落於個人業報圈內,憑甚麼能得聖眾之青睞?
Crazy for Wealth Yutang Lin Generous Heavenly King grants blessings willingly. Comment: The Northern Heavenly King, Vaisravana, is generous and enjoys granting blessings. The enriching homa ritual as composed by Yogi Chen was dedicated to making offerings to this Heavenly King. Judging by name people usually assume that the enriching ritual is to pray for wealth. However, upon careful study of the text one would realize that it is to pray for rightly earned wealth for the spreading of the teachings, and for transcendental wealth of wisdom, compassion and spiritual strength. The blessing of Dharma protectors aims at increasing the Bodhi causes and conditions for sentient beings. Selfish aims and personal gains belong to the sphere of personal karma; how could they win the favor of Dharma protectors?
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