持國護祐常安寧,增長培育樂榮昌, 跋 四大天王護法事蹟昭彰,諸如捧悉達多太子之馬足騰空而出,助其出離王宮;捧蓮師之天馬足,飛別西藏,移駕烏金。一般修行人閉關,皆於關房門上供奉四大天王,以免魔障,以保安寧,以助順遂。陳上師以英語講述之鉅著《佛教禪修》,亦蒙彼等示現閱讀,以示護持。因而在此書後敬印四大天王聖像。通常循東南西北之順序提及四大天王,而彼等之中文譯名恰含「由安定中成長,再繼以開闊及弘揚」之義。今僅依此發現,敬造讚頌,略申謝悃,並敬求彼等永遠護持佛法及修行者,俾使眾生咸領恩澤。 一九九九年九月三日
Praise to the Four Great Heavenly Kings ----- Original Message ----- Calligraphy and original work are attached. I am happy that I could see the connection in their names and brought out
the meaning in a nice sequence. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Praise to the Four Great Heavenly Kings Yutang Lin Protector of the Land constantly secures peace and harmony. Comment: The Four Great Heavenly Kings are well-known for their protective services to the Dharma. The most illustrative incidents are: Each King held one leg of the horse to help Prince Siddhartha flew over palace walls so as to achieve his renunciation of worldly life for the quest of enlightenment; similarly they helped Padmasambhava to flew farewell from Tibet to preside in Urgyen. Usually when Buddhist practitioners enter retreat, the images of the Four Great Heavenly Kings are installed above the retreat door and offerings are made daily to them. Thus, peace and harmony may be secured, evil hindrances warded off, and success of the retreat ensured. Buddhist Meditation, the monumental book as dictated by Guru Chen was once seen in an inspirational experience of Guru Chen to be read by these Heavenly Kings. Thereby they demonstrated their willingness to grant protection to this book. Therefore, their images are printed at the back of this book. Usually the four Heavenly Kings are mentioned in the directional order of East, South, West and North. The Chinese translations of their names, when mentioned in the usual order have the meaning of "based on stability to grow, and then expand and spread wide." Now I respectfully composed this praise in accordance with the above discovery. May this gatha express to some extent my sincere gratitude to their protection and help. I earnestly beseech the Heavenly Kings to grant protection to the Dharma and its practitioners forever so that all sentient beings will eventually be benefited. Written in Chinese: September 3, 1999 [Home][Back to list][Praise to the Four Great Heavenly Kings][The four Gods at four directions 四大天王] |