遙求皈依愧難當,鞭長莫及豈易匡? 跋 千里之外,有人求皈依。鞭長莫及,豈易匡助,只得寄贈佛書,而不敢承擔。雖然如此,佛慈又不許拒人於佛門之外,只得為彼等指出:法界中任何有情皆可直接向佛求皈依。至於能否蒙恩攝受,則視誠摯之程度而定。此法對真心欲求皈依佛門,又乏機緣親近具德之善知識者,乃一可能領得皈依之加持的方便。有心依行者,當虔心於佛像前三拜,每拜念一遍三皈依:「皈依佛、皈依法、皈依僧」。若無感應之覺受,則當繼續修習佛法,日後再求,直至有瑞應或吉夢。 一九九八年九月廿四日
Pointing Directly to the Fountain ---- Original Message ----- As requested by Ben Jing. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- As requested by Upasaka Ben Jing below, I had written the attached calligraphy, Kai Kuo Yu Wu Zhi, Opening up and No Grasping. He also requested me to write three of my poems in calligraphy. Those will be sent in separate emails so the file size of one email will not be too huge. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yutang Lin I will write them. The gatha you composed below is fine. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: powa From: 卜保才 敬禮無異大悲觀世音上師三寶足前: 沐浴著上師三寶甘露加持,在網站上研讀著上師的金剛法寶,法喜充滿。當我讀到上師的《花非花》
就此因緣我還想提請上師手書《普及三世》、《直指源頭》、《十玄正觀》以表上師三寶深恩。 當願眾生都深鍥開闊無執的境界,早成正覺。
Pointing Directly to the Fountain Yutang Lin Incapable of undertaking requests for refuge from afar; Comments: Some people requested refuge from thousands of miles away. Even a long whip cannot reach so far away; how could guidance be rendered? Besides mailing Buddhist books to them, no more dared be undertaken. Even though so, Buddhas compassion does not permit us to turn people away from the gate to liberation, hence the one thing left to do is to point out for them, that any sentient being in the Dharmadhatu may directly request refuge from the Buddha. As to whether such a request would be blessed with acceptance, it all depends on the degree of sincerity infused in it. This method is an expedience for those who are ardent in requesting refuge from Buddhism and yet lack the opportunity to be in association with proper guide on the path. Through direct request to the Buddha, it is possible for the faithful to receive the blessings of taking refuge in Buddhism. Those who would like to take refuge in this way should earnestly make three prostrations to an image of the Buddha, and each time reciting: "I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sangha." If there is no experience of receiving blessings associated with this activity, such as sensation of warmth or power during prostration, or a good dream following the ceremony, then one should simple continue to learn and practice the Dharma, and repeat this request at a later date until auspicious signs are attained. Written in Chinese: September 24, 1998 [Home][Back to list][Pointing Directly to the Fountain] |