「景命之燈」印之緣起簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
一九九五年四月三日起床前思及:「長子建宏已進高三,每日忙於課業,難得見面交談。但他若有事,則自然無條件、徹底照顧。佛法修行者對眾生也是本著這種親情,毫無計較,一心為他們祈禱、服務。」馬上在心中浮現「景命之燈」四字。 起床後查《三民大辭典》,景命即大命。古時以天子治國乃承天之大命,而號「景命」。佛法修行者為求眾生之徹底解脫而奉獻身命,無分眾生之種類,無有休止之時期,此種生命更堪稱為「景命」。因此,「景命之燈」乃開示:此種愛護眾生有如親子,毫無計較之菩提心,是照亮菩提道之明燈;依之而行,無虞偏失。 此屬感應之印證教授,誠然可貴。特請陳祥耀居士篆印,以為紀念,以供弘揚此旨。 願景命之燈三世常明,普照十方!
----- Original Message ----- I had written in calligraphy Jing Ming Zhi Deng, Lamp of Bodhi Life.
It means that the compassion that cares for sentient beings should be like the love for one's own children that involves no calculations. The seal carved by Upasaka Tan Seong Yeow is also stamped along. The calligraphy file and the file containing my original work on
this topic are both attached.
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