唱佛視頻 曾祚康 簡繁轉換 - 繁體
弟子通透應曾祚康老居士之提請,作了此視頻供眾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgxjOZ6fQ8w
熒幕所顯的是道証法師恭繪的阿彌陀佛聖像;請參閲拙作: http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/b5files/f0/f0086.html
至於我所吟詠的佛號曲調,請參閲: http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/b5files/f1/f1797.html
二○二五年三月廿二日 養和齋 於加州
Singing Amitabha Video Clip
Yutang Lin
Upon request from Senior Upasaka Zeng, disciple Tong Tou composed this video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgxjOZ6fQ8w
Senior Upasaka Zeng wrote to Tong Tou, ″Guru′s chanting deeply entered the mind. May I ask Dharma Senior to compose a chanting file that will last continuously for at least 8 hours, so that I can use it for daily practices and for self-help chanting during my hours of passing to the Pureland? ″
The holy image of Amitabha, as displayed on the screen, was reverently painted by Reverend Dao Zheng; please read my brief introduction: http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/efiles/e0/e0092.html
As to the melody of my chanting of Amitabha, please read: http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/efiles/e0/e0144.html
The audio file was recorded many years ago, while I was at Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The accompanying piano was played by disciple Ben Ji.
March 22, 2025 El Cerrito, California
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