〈順法行〉印 寄件者:Yutang Lin Disciple Wang Hao sent in his carving of a Gatha by me, in 2004, on the wall of a stone seal. He couldn’t find the source, and I have found it as 順法行 as posted at: http://www.originalpurity.org/gurulin/b5files/f0/f0941.html 心念繫眾生安危,命途順佛陀接引; We will add the attached image to F0941 at our websites. In addition, we will post this email with the image as A0276 in Yu Tang Yin Xin category at our websites. And we will include this one as a Suggested Poem by Wang Hao for making into cards.
May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!
From: 王浩
心念系众生安危, 命途顺佛陀接引。 行止契慈悲喜舍, 怡然修随缘化导。
十年以前曾把这首诗偈刻在印壁上。这方印石看起来和通常的石章没有区别, 雕刻时才发现石头特别坚硬,但无论如何还是坚持刻成了全诗。 石章的硬度不均使得一些笔划或短促或尖细,反而为书体增添了写意效果。
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