麥當内克集中營超幽 今早我們跟隨上師到盧布林的麥當内克集中營修頗瓦超渡。那是一個第二次世界大戰遺留下的納粹德軍屠殺各民族(尤以猶太族為主為多)的營地。在此集中營所被殺害的人數有五十萬之多。在當地有一個小圓丘是以被害者的骨灰堆積成的,藉以警惕世人戰爭的殘酷。現在來憑弔者都在此致敬。波蘭政府為此骨灰丘蓋了個石灰頂,並以波蘭文代這些戰爭犧牲者寫著:「我們的遭遇是你們的警惕。」 看了這警句,親睹骨灰丘,直叫人心酸不已。據說整個波蘭國家就有幾個城市有著這樣的屠殺集中營,而每一個營所被殺害的也都有整五十萬的人。 正當上師修完頗瓦,我手中拿著甘露米敬撒入骨灰丘時,一股寒氣憟憟,手臂上的毛髮都豎了起來,心裡深知這些亡靈都來搶領甘露米。而波蘭的純忍師兄在較後還說,當他往骨灰丘鄰近的火化場撒米時,他看見許多亡靈都快速地吞服這些甘露米。 撒完米陪上師走在路上時,上師對我說,就在前天(六月六日)抵達盧布林,晚上躺在床上剛合上眼睛時,看見一位母親牽著兩個孩子從房間窗戶進來,其兩個孩子的臉馬上變成骷髏,然後又變成很猙獰的樣子,而他們的周圍還有猙獰的人頭。上師知道他們是從集中營來的,要來請上師超渡。上師對他們說:「我後天就會來給你們超渡,你們可以安心地回去。」隨後他們就消失了。 祈願這些戰時被屠殺的亡靈早日得渡,往生淨土。阿彌陀佛!
弟子疾呼 謹記
Powa Service at Majdanek Concentration Camp
This morning we followed Guru to Majdanek Concentration Camp, Lublin to perform Powa service. That is the camp left behind where Nazi German army used to kill people of several races (mostly Jewish) during World War II. Over five hundred thousand people were killed in this camp. There is a round mound of ashes of those killed here to warn of the cruelty of war to all. Nowadays many people come to pay tribute here. Polish government built a cement roof for this ash mound, and on behalf of the victims, there is a sentence carved in Polish on the roof, "Our fate is a warning to you!" Looking at this warning and witnessing the ash mound, it makes me feel mournful. It is said that there are several similar camps in some other cities in Poland, and it is also around five hundred thousand people killed in each camp. After Guru has performed Powa, while I was scattering nectar rice onto the ash mound, cold air surrounded me, and I felt goose-bumps on my arms, in my heart I know that those deceased gathered around me to get the nectar rice. Our Polish Dharma brother, Pure Patience told us later that, when he went to the crematory to scatter the nectar rice, he saw many deceased swallowing this nectar rice quickly. After scattering blessed rice and while walking besides Guru, Guru said to me, when we arrived Lublin two days ago (6th of June), as soon as he lied down on bed with eyes closed at night, he saw a mother with two kids coming into the room through the window, the faces of the two kids immediately changed into skulls, and then changed to hideous look, surrounding them were also many hideous heads. Guru knew that they were from the concentration camp to request for salvation. Guru then said to them, "I will perform Powa for your salvation two days later, so you can go back now at ease." They disappeared after that. May all these deceased who were killed during the war get salvation the soonest, and attain rebirth in Pureland! Amitabha Buddha!
Written by disciple Ji Hu
寄件者: Shu Zhen
Photos taken during performing Powa service by Guru Lin at Majdanek Concentration Camp in Lublin, Poland on June 8, 2014.
A short report is attached.六月八日林上師於波蘭 盧布林的麥當內克集中營修頗瓦之照片。 附上一份簡短報告。 Tong Tou, Please post this report in the miscellaneous category. Ji Hu 疾呼
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