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以下是若松對於上師 夢境戒指承製過程的想法


  看到 上師“媽尼戒指”內文裡有一段話


  這段話已在我心中很多年,心想如果能把 上師這個鼓舞人心的夢境戒指,給如實的呈現出來,對於眾生會有很大的幫助,因為消業不簡單,更何況是圓滿消業,2012年把想要承製此夢境的法務給接下來, 上師 也慈悲應允,由於一開始弄錯了方向,以為 上師夢到的是媽尼戒指,也傳達給 上師的訊息是媽尼戒指該如何做成圓滿消業, 上師慈悲手稿畫了一張給我。

  我有一個朋友張居士會美術電腦繪圖,我就去找他討論,後來發現要把咒字做成戒指刻在橢圓形物體上是有困難度,這過程中把所遇到的問題都有跟 上師及通透師兄mail做一個討論,我最初單純想法是要把 上師的夢境戒指如實呈現出來,才有意義,自己的預想錯誤,以為是有咒字,謝謝通透師兄跟 上師skype討論出,就是要做成“橢圓形隆起如龜背”完全無任何咒字,才有後面此戒指完全的呈現。

   知道正確的方向後,又請張居士幫忙繪圖,然後自己跑了許多家,大都不願承製。自己想要供養 上師一個“圓滿消業”的銀戒,也請 上師恩准讓我戴一個跟 上師夢境一樣的戒指, 上師也恩准,謝謝 上師的慈悲,因為要有 上師的許可才有意義。最後找不到店家,就請通透師兄幫忙了,通透師兄的舅舅會做戒指,以下是五月二十五日寫給通透師兄的信:

通透 師兄
畢竟是 給師父的東西,如果能有更專業,
且熟悉這方面的人來接洽,會做出更接近 上師所要的東西,由誰來主導這個
法務也不是那麼重要了,重要的是這樣的東西會讓 師父開心,這才是重點。




最後最感謝 通透師兄,由於他的幫忙讓所有眾生都能夠看到此圓滿消業的戒指。



     祝福 上師 佛體安康 長久住世 常轉法輪



於台灣中壢 若松百拜


Ring for Complete Reduction of Karma


2012/9/13 Yutang Lin
To: Dharma Friends

In an earlier work
I mentioned:
  At the beginning of their undertakings I saw in a dream a white metal ring on my left middle finger. Its top is a smooth oval bulge. I interpreted it to mean that this Mani ring has the function of complete reduction of karma.

Having read this (in Chinese) disciple Ruo Song in Taiwan started to work on a project of making a silver ring according to this dream for me. Eventually, with help from disciple Tong Tou, it has been produced. He also asked me to approve of making a replica of this ring, so he can also wear it. Hence, in the attached photo you see two rings.

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!



2012/10/27 Yutang Lin 

To Dharma Friends

As reported long ago in my article on Mani Rings:
At the beginning of their undertakings I saw in a dream a white metal ring
on my left middle finger. Its top is a smooth oval bulge. I interpreted it
to mean that this Mani ring has the function of complete reduction of karma.
In Chinese it was:

Upon reading this, disciple Ruo Song aspired to have such a ring made in silver for me. Then he also asked for my permission to have an exact duplica made for himself.
These rings had been made in Taiwan about 2 months ago. Today I got it in the mail. So I put it on my left middle finger and took a photo to share it with all of you.

We will add this report to the bottom of the articles posted at our website.

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!



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