傳芳的感恩—Appreciation of Chuan Fang


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Disciple Chuan Fang wrote below her appreciation of the benefits she gained through practicing writing of my Heart Mantra.

I especially like to share with all her realization我尤其喜歡與大家分享她的了悟:原來快樂和幸福這麼簡單o只要把自己的心放開o

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!


From: fangyi []
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 8:32 AM
To: DR. Yutang Lin - gmail
Subject: 懇求 師父的加持 Pleading for Guru’s blessing


敬愛的 師父:
Dear Guru:

弟子於今日完成敬書與持頌   師父心咒八千一百二十遍o弟子目前共完成六萬九千六十四遍o弟子會繼續努力完成初定的目標十萬遍o懇求  師父的加持o承志與弟子明天到後庭院焚化並迴向十方眾生o讓十方眾生得利o感謝  佛的慈悲o
感謝 佛慈悲和不斷的加持o弟子從敬書第一句心咒開始到今日已有一年的光陰o弟子所獲得無數的感應和加持o點滴在心頭o感謝  佛不斷的慈悲加持下o弟子的心性有很大的轉變o改變到連弟子都訝異o原來快樂和幸福這麼簡單o只要把自己的心放開o弟子也慢慢懂的體會眾生的苦痛如弟子親臨所受o弟子珍惜和感恩  師父賜予的一切o弟子在覺悟的路上還很漫長o懇求  師父的慈悲幫助弟子o讓弟子證悟的一天早日到來o感謝  佛慈悲o

Today I completed writing and reciting Guru’s Heart Mantra eight thousand one hundred and twenty times; up until now I have completed in total sixty-nine thousand and sixty-four times. I will keep practicing hard to complete the target of one hundred thousand times that I set at the beginning. Pleading for Guru’s blessing, tomorrow Cheng Zhi and I will incinerate the written mantras in our rear garden and dedicate the merits to all sentient beings, so that all sentient beings in the ten directions can be benefited. I am grateful to Buddha for Your compassion.
Thanks to the Buddha for Your compassion and continuously blessing me. Since the time I reverently wrote the Heart Mantra for the first time, it has been one year long. The countless inspirations and blessings that I have received are all vividly in my mind. Thanks to the incessant blessing from Buddha there has been very big change in my mind and character, to the extent that even myself is surprised. Who would have thought that joy and happiness are so simple! One just needs to open up one's mind. I also gradually learned to feel the sufferings of sentient beings as if they were my personal experiences. I treasure and appreciate everything bestowed on me from Guru. My path to enlightenment is still very long; I plead to Guru for compassionate help so that the Enlightenment day for me will arrive sooner. Thanks again for Buddha’s Kindness.

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!

Disciple Chuan Fang pay homage

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